What Can Be Returned to the Depot?

We will likely never be a zero waste operation, but we strive to reuse and return as much as we can to our producers.
The Following Items can be returned for reuse. Bring them to your normal pickup day and time. Make sure they are clean and dry. Thank you!
- We will accept returned pots from our 4 organic farms, Cedar Rock, Sawmill Herbs, Herb Farmacy & Red Fire Farm. Please, only from these farms. Give them a rinse & bring them back to your depot on the first few weeks of pick ups.
- Gallon (only) olive oil bottles. Dancing Goat finds the other sizes too hard to clean.
- Large Pulp containers (the quart ones from strawberries.) Other sizes – only if they are clean, please. We would like to really enforce the only if clean policy for smaller containers. If stained, please compost.
- Egg Cartons (Julie’s Happy Hens only please). Julie & Matt will be SO happy if the little “layed on” date sticker is peeled off.
- Honey jars – all sizes – glass only.
- Outer trays from berry special orders (inner pulp containers if clean)
- 20lb boxes from tomato or peach special orders
- Produce elastics from our farmers only, please
- Delivery Members – your share(s) will come in a reused box collected from a local liquor store. You may recycle this box. Your delivery driver can collect pulp containers, egg cartons, elastics, honey jars, etc.
- Ask at your depots about paper shopping bags or other items. Do not drop off without an okay. We only have limited storage.