Some fun 2022 season statistics:
- Most expensive fruit shares: Small was $21.81 on July 28 (blackberries, peaches, blueberries and a watermelon!), and Large was $30.33 on July 14 (raspberries, blueberries and cherries!)
- Least expensive fruit share: Small was $2.95 and Large was $3.95 – both in early October.
- Number of pints of (regular/high bush/cultivated) blueberries distributed this year: 5,460
- Number of ears of corn distributed this year: 13,200 (including organic and IPM, share and special orders)
- Number of dozens of eggs: 5,079 – which is 60,948 eggs!

Squash handed out in September & October:
- Spaghetti: 687
- Acorn: 681
- Honey nut:1370
- Butternut: 675
- Delicata/Other: 690
Examples of the 2022 Shares with a few Extras added in