Community Aid

FDC Community Aid & Working Memberships

Community aid and working memberships ensure healthy food is available to all

Working Membership

One way to reduce your FDC bill is to become a Working Member. Working members volunteer for a total of six hours over the course of the season. That might be three 2-hour depot shifts, multiple share deliveries, or other volunteer efforts like writing researched newsletter articles. 

Community Aid

If you are unable to physically work at the depot, there are still options! We offer financial assistance to those who need a hand via our FDC Community Aid Fund. The is populated by fellow coop members to help make local, organic food available to those experiencing financial hardship.

We rely on your honesty, as we do not collect personal financial information. We give current and potential members the length of the enrollment process to apply for aid. If you decide to drop before the season begins, your deposit will be fully refunded. 

Here’s how to apply:

Step 1

Follow this link to download an application. Completed applications should be returned to the FDC via email to, or by USPS to FDC, P.O. Box 1146, Marblehead, MA, 01945 before May 1.

Step 2

Enroll for the shares you would like to receive and send in a deposit.

Step 3

Receive a notification of your award by June 1st. Alter share types if necessary to meet your financial goals.