FAQs – The Next Dimension

A portal into the more nuanced aspects of FDC Membership
Extras Table Reminder! When you make a selection from the extras table at the depot, please make sure you remember to record your purchases and to use nice, clear handwriting. Sometimes things go missing, and other times we find ourselves sharing pictures of the sign out sheets trying to match a signature to a name. (Julie is especially good at this!)
The Most Ineffective Email Address Award goes to….info@! This email address should not even be named, but we must in order to let you know why you will likely never – almost ever – get a productive response to an email sent to info@: It’s a hold-all for bureaucratic bits and bobs. Vacation holds, credit emails, confirmation emails, you name it. Scores of emails each week belong to this soul-less, impossible-to-monitor inbox. So please, if you wish to communicate with us, email Julie or Tamaradirectly. It’s not a bother – it’s efficient!
Swap Table How-To: What a bountiful time of year, with magnificent produce! As you pass the swap table and see what someone else has left behind, it may seem unethical to let that gorgeous piece of produce sit there unclaimed. Keep those itchy fingers in check please, as the Swap Table is meant to *truly* be a place for swapping one thing for another! In the interest of equitable opportunity for swapping, please engage with the swap table only if you’re ready to part with something in your share that you find less desirable. You may leave without taking, but you may not take without leaving! Thank you!
Missed a pickup and wish to glean? If you missed your pick up, you have the option of coming to the depot and putting together a share out of what’s left at the depot at the end of the day.When is glean o’clock, you ask? Our depot coordinators won’t know what’s available for you until 6:45pm – 7pm, just before the depot closes. Not 5pm. Not 6pm. Glean o’clock: 6:45-7pm. Give a heads-up to your depot coordinator the day before, and if the stars align, they’ll keep you in mind and pave the way for as robust a glean as possible.
Information Central! Local Food Marketplace runs our accounts and hosts the storefront, but is not our website. Our website is still www.farmdirectcoop.org. If you have a question about vacation holds, day changes, scheduling deliveries etc., click the Members tab and check out the FAQ.
Please Sign Out When You Pick Up Your Share! Our depot coordinators are constantly assessing how many members have yet to pick up at the depot in relation to the amount of produce on hand. They make sure to stretch the fruits/veggies or troubleshoot missing bread/flowers/cheese in advance so that all members get everything in the take. If members don’t sign out when they come through the depot, it throws the calculations off, and quite possibly creates more work for our already hard working coordinators. Please sign out at the admin table & remind friends who may be picking up in your stead.